Translating Marketing Texts Workshop - unleash your creativity!
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Hone your writing skills, gain familiarity with the structure and various types of marketing texts | 27 January 2023
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Do you have a secret world overflowing with creative ideas that inevitably (and frustratingly) gets pushed back to the furthest edges of your busy day? Do you sometimes get tired of dealing with other people’s texts and think you could write more engaging copy yourself? This workshop is intended for translators with an interest in creative writing who are curious about the kind of content that draws readers in, sparks a response and evokes a memory. However airy fairy you might believe the marketing sector to be, it is in reality a highly lucrative and carefully systematised sector rooted in psychology and research. Learn about the ways marketers craft their content to achieve a set objective, dust off your creative-writing skills and find out about new ways to approach translation.
This one-day online workshop with Katherine Hornsby is for translators from a variety of backgrounds, but everyone will have a desire to break the mould and do something different. This course will run from 10am-4pm on Zoom, and will cover: Morning 1. Intro to the world of marketing and copywriting; what is the purpose of a marketing text, why are they different and how to analyse them. (1 hour) 2. Tips on how to hone your creativity and examples of marketing texts with a breakdown of their challenges; brief notes about the concept of transcreation (1 hr) 3. Tools and resources available to creative translators and how to use them to effect (1 hr) Afternoon 4. Group discussion about 2 marketing texts: (45 minutes) 5. Individual analysis of a marketing text (breaking it down into its parts): (45 minutes) 6. Final test (creation of copy and analysis of a text): (45 minutes) 7. Feedback and conclusions Key take-aways: • Instantly tell the difference between an ordinary text and a marketing text • Know how to deal with a marketing text and approach it in the right way • Understand how marketing texts are crafted and what their purpose is • Learn what tools are available to you as a translator of marketing texts • Acquire new ways to release and boost your creativity This course aims to be as interactive as possible so attendees will be encouraged to share their business practices with the course facilitator and each other in a mutually supportive environment.
Get the skills to understand, manage and translate clinical trials with pharmacist and scientific translator Ekaterina Chashnikova | 24-28 February 2025