Horizontal violence-bullying behaviours amongst colleagues that are made with negative intentions and may cause the recipient anxiety | 28 March 2023
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This webinar explores the concept of horizontal violence—bullying behaviours amongst colleagues that are made with negative intentions and may cause the recipient anxiety or stress. We will look at results from a recent survey of BSL/English interpreters to gain insight into this phenomenon in our own profession and consider whether or not such behaviours might happen differently in face-to-face versus online situations.Causes of horizontal violence, consequences and suggestions for mitigating its occurrence in the signed language and spoken language interpreting profession will be also discussed. Bios: Brett Best is a fully qualified British Sign Language (BSL)/American Sign Language (ASL)/ English interpreter, interpreter trainer and researcher. She holds a BA degree in Deaf Studies from Gallaudet University in Washington, D.C., and an MSc in European Masters in Sign Language Interpreting (EUMASLI) from Heriot-Watt University in Scotland. She has considerable experience and continued practice in community interpreting, higher education and conference interpreting. Rachel Wilkins is a qualified British Sign Language / English Interpreter and a newly published author. Rachel's background is Deaf education where she spent over 14 years, her passion for community Interpreting led her to working within the community for many years. Rachel now spends her time in Access to Work, media, remote interpreting and performance interpreting, specialising in urban music. Her current interests are researching peer interaction within the interpreting community.